The President and Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Board. The President and Chief Executive Officer acts also as the Group’s President and Chairman of the Executive Committee. The duties and responsibilities of the President and Chief Executive Officer are set forth in the Finnish Companies Act. The President and Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the operative management within scope of the strategic and operative plans, budgets and action plans approved by the Board. Unless separately authorized by the Board, the President and Chief Executive Officer shall not take actions, which may be considered unusual or far-reaching in the view of the scope and nature of the Group’s business. The President and Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that the accounting of the company complies with the law and that the financial management of the corporation has been arranged in a reliable manner.
The President and Chief Executive Officer is entitled to represent the company in any matter within his/her authority. The President and Chief Executive Officer chairs the Global Management Team. The President and Chief Executive Officer’s service terms and conditions have been specified in writing in a service agreement approved by the Board.
The President and Chief Executive Officer and his/her deputy, are appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Global Management Team assists the President and Chief Executive Officer in planning and managing the operations of the Group. The members of the Global Management Team report to the President and Chief Executive Officer. The Global Management Team convenes under the leadership of the President and Chief Executive Officer and is composed of different Global Management Team members depending on the matter at hand.
President and Chief Executive Officer acts as the Chairman of the Global Management Team.
Management team member since 2015
Year of birth: 1977
Nationality: French
Shareholding on December 31, 2023: 26,625
Executive Committee member since 2024
Year of birth: 1983
Nationality: Finnish
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary of the Board, Head of Sustainability
Executive Committee member since 2024
Year of birth: 1985
Nationality: Finnish
Executive Vice President, Head of Group Supply Chain and Winter Sports
Executive Committee member since 2024
Year of birth: 1979
Nationality: Finnish
Chief Operating Officer responsible for Business Performance, Finance Controlling and Internal Auditing, Europe focus
Executive Committee member since 2020
Year of birth: 1968
Nationality: French
Shareholding on December 31, 2023: 3,279
Executive Vice President, Lure Manufacturing
Executive Committee Member since 2017
Year of birth: 1965
Nationality: Finnish
Shareholding on December 31, 2023: 36,540
Executive Vice President, Head of Distribution in North America
Executive Committee member since 2021
Year of birth: 1965
Nationality: United Kingdom
Shareholding on December 31, 2023: -